Microsoft ended security support for Windows XP.
Users of Framework on Windows XP should contact us for updates to Windows 7 with transparent integration to Windows 10 and Windows 11 Via an integrated virtual machine as well as new developments and the latest mobile device options as well as
realtional database addtions.

database form
A Framework X database form with database
cells containing outlines, pictures and text.


Framework is a unified computing architecture encompassing an operating system, API, GUI, applications, interactive programmability, RTOS sensor handling and information management. It is developed and maintained as a semiconductor design with a parallel software version which runs with the help of simulation and virtualization on other operating systems. Framework's design aim is to provide full hardware based computing functionality with no additional software but it does support running x86 programs on an x86 simulator.

While maintaining backward compatibility and following the original design principles of the Ashton-Tate product Framework was rebuilt as an architectural computing concept based on linguistic principles and path based automata. The new architecture overcomes the inherent limitations of parallel processing that the inherently serial CPU-based arithmetic computing imposed. Framework's architectural building blocks are channels that handle its perceptible, inherently selectable and ordered contextual objects. The result is not only an efficiency that cannot be matched in CPU based computing but also a generic highly ergonomic interface which can be internalized with no visual support. Framework employes RAM-based state machines on operating systems such as Windows while taking advantage of massive parallelism on its FPGA based system to provide an instantaneous data handling with Big-O of one. The Big-O of one technology supports SATA based storage available to users as well as Framework's own internal content-based memory and dependency management system. This enables the Framework's inherent parallelism and its extendable interpretation available with the FRED language. Simply put, there is no practical limit on the number of uniquely named FRED functions, nor a delay penalty associated with increase in that number or with an increase in the size of data stored on hard drives.

Framework is maintained in parallel as a RAM based product designed to run on other operating systems and as an ASIC/FPGA SOC IP aimed at peer-to-peer independent malware-immune personal mobile computing. Framework's inherent parallelism permits the use of older radiation-hardened slower semiconductor technologies to provide superior functionality at a much lower cost than current high density technologies. The Framework's architecture make it possible to substitute costly semiconductor density and speed with parallel processing for unrivaled savings in cost and energy. The unique asynchronous delay-path architecture reflects Framework's internal logic and its layout with high level of symmetry (as oppose to sparsity) and a chain like layout (Rent's rule with p=1 per channel).

Framework's unified user interface design principles were established in the early 1980's around the same time or earlier than Apple's integrated GUI, as a software product later marketed by Ashton-Tate. Framework and its built-in FRED interactive interpreter were created by a small team led by Robert Carr who created the Framework architecture with Dave Helms and Chris Kirkpatrick who integrated the FRED language with it. The current architecture extends the original user interface principles to external formats such as multimedia and codecs using new extendable internal modularity. Framework's container frames can be associated with external formats such as raster (pictures) and vector graphics and are subject to the same the user interface and FRED programmability, The FRED language was extended with a 32 bit Windows API interface and can call Windows DLL's functions sending parameters and receiving the returned values. FRED has been kept fully back compatible including LLI (low level interface) applications. The current version of Framework for Windows includes a Windows API Pascal compiler, Framework Pascal (originated as TMT Pascal) which create Windows DLL's and standard Windows API programs that can be called as FRED functions. Framework Pascal supports object oriented programming and include Borland compatible 32 bit OWL Windowing units.

The Framework file system take advantage of a Big-O of one data handling algorithm and direct access to the hardware. It transparently adapt to the host computer operating system file system to provide Framework style desktop cabinets as well as Windows style file dialog boxes which are integrated with the Framework menus and FRED.

Framework is available as software running on x86 computers. It can run from a secure plug-in virtual mobile storage device compatible with any PC.

mdi jpg demo image
FRED 32 bit interactive Win API DLL's extensions. FrameworkPascal Windows Compiler Extends FRED with a Windows API interface.
Framework DBMS. Framework relational database SQL and ODBC Interface. Framework instant massive storage database server
Automated, menus, macros and FRED driven graphic bitmap and vector outlined layered editing
Framework EDA databases based CAD . FRED Win API controls

FRAMEWORK X and chip development.

Framework X FRED Windows API compiler interface expands Framework's modularity and integration to Windows.
Framework X provides menu driven programmable mouse interface with Windows API DLL's and GUI programming interface using FrameworkPascal Windows compiler. Windows API and GUI programs can be used as FRED functions.

FrameworkPascal adds to Framework and FRED MS SQL and ODBC interface with an SQL database creation tool, unlimited access to the Windows graphic, and a wide range of tested general and graphic libraries, including DBF, communication, mail, and hardware protection.

A database-based programmable CAD with vector & raster support targeted at EDA semiconductor and Nanotechnology with interactive instant indexless disk-based database is available.

Among the additions to Framework are automated pictures scaling and clipping for large scale graphics web design, interactive disk-based accelerated database scan (added @dbasefilter parameters, menus and cabinets), database based graphics and outlining cells (cells may contain pictures as well as multiple frames such as spreadsheets), enhanced cabinet file handling including date time and search based filtering, transparent customized translation and localization of keyboard interface with almost unlimited customizing of internal menus, localizing, translations and functionality.

Framework productivity Keyboard (hardware) with function keys at left and top with additional key providing single key automated program recording expanding Framework capabilities.

Secure login: Framework X automation, Modeling, EDA. Framework Chip Development &
Semiconductor Computer Architecture

Framework & The FRED Computer Language Home Page

Go To: About Framework I Topics I FW8 Windows Desktop I Supported products I Windows Framework Startup.. I Transparent charts & linked pictures.. I Framework VIII desktop.. I Framework Pascal..

About Framework Go to Top of page

Framework is a continuation of Ashton-Tate's Framework (Framework, II, III, and IV) and the FRED computer language. The Framework software and trademark were taken over by Selection & Functions Inc. from Borland after Ashton-Tate was taken over by Borland. Selection & Functions Inc. with the stated goal of protecting the significant investment made by Framework users and FRED programmers in this unique technology and concepts. The current Windows versions of Framework which are available to Framework users are fully compatible with the original Framework methods and user interface, files, macros, FRED programs, libraries and dictionaries, while providing transparent compatibility with Windows programs and data.

Copying between Framework and Windows MS Word, Excel, HTML, Internet e-mail, and most other programs preserves text style and format as well as spreadsheet cell and database field values. Images cut by Framework, including pictures opened in Framework (JPG, GIF, BMP, etc.) can be pasted into Windows graphic programs such as MS Paint and Photoshop.

Framework extensive "Windowing" capabilities allows the Framework desktop to grow larger than the Windows screen. A larger than screen desktop can be scrolled up down and left right with documents (which may include pictures) placed freely side by side or overlapped for viewing and comparison. A Framework menu can be toggled between "always on top" keeping the Framework window on top of other Windows or behaving as a normal Windows which can be covered by other Windows when not in focus. program.

A Framework menu creates secondary "view windows" which can be sized, positioned and scrolled as independent Framework desktop viewer windows. They can be updated with changes "broadcasted" from Framework when the Framework desktop is updated. just like the Framework main desktop those multiple "view windows" can be positioned and sized to show "larger than screen" are with documents freely positioned in them and the ability to move them around using the mouse. They can be broadcasted to over the Internet to be shared interactively with individuals or posted on public sites.

Framework's mouse functionality is selection based and time independent. Multiple mouse click operations are deciphered by the number of clicks, not the time interval between them. Mouse clicks actions are user defined and user programmable. They can be directed to run pre-recorded Library macros, standard keyboard keys, and FRED programs as well as Windows API programs. Mouse actions are equivalent to Framework's standard command keys. Mouse-over help tips shows the equivalent key-commands familiar to Framework users.

Framework provides a productivity suite with unlimited expendability, standard organization of data and knowledge in a context based language like programmable environment. Among its features are fast filing, outlining, recording of macros in a consistent predictable environment, user programmability, linking and search tools, dynamic switching between languages, automatic creation of hypertext, automatic database filtering, extensive programming capabilities with access to Windows DLL's and GUI on top of an environment supporting graphics and desktop publishing.

Framework takes advantage of a new dynamic state machine technology providing instant input parsing and among other things, a mass storage industrial strength indexless databases providing close to instant data access independent of data size. This mass storage database system provides hard drive persistency and is limited in size only by the available hard drive space. This independent mass storage system is in addition Framework's support of Ashton-Tate's dBase files and indexes provided for back compatibility with dBase files.

Framework's support for programming ranges from user recorded macros through the FRED language interactive interpreter, to Windows DLL and Windows API programs. For programers (or aspiring thereof) a 32 bit Windows API Pascal compiler compatible with Turbo Pascal is available. And for the time being (while on Intel compatible machines) the LLI DTK (with no exceptions) is a alive and well.

The Framework technology architecture is not tied up to Windows. It consists of OS independent modular cores, including a portable packet data server and modular OS-specific interface. It allows Framework to run via wireless or network connectivity on different platforms. The Framework technology include external file format handlers which can handle other programs file formats in Framework frames applying all the normal Framework features and interface including outlining and free floating to them. Framework to operate remotely on different operating systems via dedicated agents.

More on Framework's concept, features and look and feel:
Framework's outlined windowing environment with word processing, spreadsheets, databases, file and directory management, data management, integrated hypertext, integrated interpreter, rapid development computer language and a slew of unique features and tools not available in any other software. Framework is unique in its unified context-based object-driven user interface which is based on selection capabilities and set based architecture.

Framework combine text and document selection based granularity with LISP like programming object-based, interactive, rapid application development language named FRED (short for FRame EDitor). FRED provide high and low level programmability combining interactive interpreter programming with compiled low level kernel controls and libraries.

Framework has no speed limit and provides unlimited access to the computer memory (among other things FRED can declare 32 bit arrays). The current versions are typically shipped via the Internet with automatic installation but are also available on a CDROM or a USB device.
Older versions for Windows 95, 98 and ME with long file names are available allowing files written on older versions to be loaded and exchange transparently with newer version that include JPG pictures - Framework running on Windows XP, 2000 and NT. Some version can run on DOS/Windows emulators on Linux, Unix and the Mackintosh.

Current versions of Framework maintains transparent compatibility with previous Framework file format, macro, library and FRED syntax.

How compatible is Framework with older versions of Ashton-Tate? Well... a menu choice allow turning of the WYSIWYG off and another menu can turn text mode compatibility on, coloring text style attributes as in the original text mode.

Framework language system allow unlimited expendability. Language related data such as menus, messages, help (Framework provide interactive hypertext help) stored in user's managed files and databases allowing easy user modifications and translations of menus, messages, help screens desktop elements, and country related formats such as dates currency and screen fonts. Languages currently supported include, American English, British, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Swedish, Norwegian, Czechoslovakian.

Framework IV Hypertext engine transparently displays and creates links. It includes the FRED language on-disk manuals. FRED is a text-aware rapid development interpreter programming language constantly active under Framework. Framework VIII evaluates selected text processing arithmetic, dates, Hypertext links or Framework reference names and program code anywhere in text.

Supported Framework Products
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Framework II, Framework III, Framework XE, Framework VI, Framework V, Framework VI, Framework VII, Framework VIII, Framework IX, Framework X
The FRED Computer Language
Framework & FRED Developer's Toolkit
Framework Runtime versions
Framework Network versions
Framework Electronic Mail, Mozila Mail Merge, Novell MHS
EDI Mapping, Conversion, Transmission and Consulting Services
Software for the Blind and the visually impaired
Web site building and management tools

Select from the following topics
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some of these pages may be accessible via the site map on the left.

Framework and FRED overview
Software support information
Ordering Information
Upgrade Policy
Framework VII 1990's notes relevant to current versions in implementation order)
The FRED computer language
Additional Framework topics and new features
Educational usage of Framework and FRED
Framework VII for the Blind and the visually impaired
Framework and FRED Developer's Toolkit
Framework VII Runtime
EDI, Electronic Data Interchange product
Views (r) Data stream consolidation and analysis
Web Site Design, Marketing and Maintenance Services
Framework VII on Windows. Hardware and Laptop notes
Framework VII Web Site Building and Management Tools
New in FRED latest release
HyperHelp - FRED function Reference in Framework VII
FRED debugging
Calendars and dates in Framework VII
Calculation of numbers in text and FRED debugging

Framework VIII full desktop screen
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Also see: Selections and ordering of graphic objects with graphs - screen shot

Top of page index.

Framework's Windows Entry Screen
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A full portable flat memory system with graphics and hardware portability.

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