Framework & FRED Developer's Toolkit
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Framework VII's Developers' Toolkit.

Rapid Application Development & Runtime

Framework VII' Developer's Toolkit provides rapid application development environment and a Runtime distribution module.
FRED applications can be attached to existing or new menus and the Framework VII user interface can be easily modified. Actions may be associated with states, modes, type of objects and keystrokes for operations on specific frames and files. Stand alone programs can be called from a Windows icon, sharing screen, data and and environment with windows.

Also included is the documentation for Framework VII Low Level Interface (LLI). The LLI allows compiled or assembled DOS linked executable programs, written in languages such as C, C++, Pascal, or Assembly to run in Framework as loadable modules.

When installed, the Developer's Toolkit is embedded into Hypertext making it possible to paste code examples (including Assembly language Low Level Interface routine) directly into programs.
Framework VII is an ideal maintenance programmer's editor. Framework VII's assembly code itself is maintained and built in Framework. Assembly modules are organized in Framework outlines with HyperText links and indexing of functions and modules using DBF dBase files. MS MASM cross reference files are dBase-Framework compatible. Program modifications are assembled and linked from within Framework and are dynamicaly tested returning immediately to the relevant outlined code.
The Hypertext \ Directory management feature automatically "attach and learn" new keywords allowing management of names and terms for maintenance and learning.

The additional functions and running model-programs can be used as a base for development as well as learning.

A Framework Runtime pack allows distribution of Framework with FRED applications. It includes programming tools to hide Framework features such as the desktop elements and menus, to attach HyperHelp to applications, and menu templates for your applications.

For information about ordering the Framework VII Developer's Toolkit & Runtime call us (Voice: USA (781-826-1553) or email to

More about Framework VII's modular design

Framework VII consists of modular reusable and modifiable objects that can be used to create applications and customize the user interface without writing any code. By editing the text part of a Framework VII's menu item, its name, message, the conditions for its availability, and the FRED or LLI module as well as external programs (all disk-based) called by it can be changed.

Each key in the Framework VII keyboard manager is attached to an object that can be independently modified to act differently in predefined states and areas. A key press may load applications as well as activate built-in functionality. Interface modes such as pick-list in databases can be toggled by a call to functions.
Objects such as menu toggles or numeric and text-input menus can be activated simply by editing text in menu frames.
A single text line in a menu frame contains all the information needed to operate a menu: a toggle/sub menu identifier, a menu name, a menu bottom message, a disk-based application name, menu-availability object address, and the menu HyperHelp path. Editing a menu line as well as adding or eliminating lines updates the related code in Framework VII.

More than 300 functions are described in Framework VII HyperHelp. They include new functions such as @hyperhelp, @inputnum, @isdir, @isdrive, @num2words, @replace, @recordplace, @backplace, @hex2dec and more. More disk-based database and development tool functions can be added to Framework from the DTK. DTK functions are usually loaded from disk (or a RAM buffer) when needed. They do not occupy memory unless used, and can be cleared from memory.