Framework & The FRED Computer Language Main Page

Framework users: e-mail us for the latest information regarding Windows, stand alone hardware and portable Framework update options.

Framework X modifications in no particular order. (see historical notes below)

Framework X cabinet filters allow partial GREP expressions for filtering of file names. As a result filters requires a star (asterisk (*)) for completion, e. g. in FW9 typing ab in a cabinet filter shows files named ab, ab.txt, abc, and abd. In Framework X typing ab shows only ab. To also show abc, ab.txt, and abd type ab*.

Framework X Cabinet files are displayed in user selected colors which are assigned to common file extensions in the Disk menu.

Framework X preserves the cursor position in text inside database forms. Previous versions sets the selection in database form to the beginning of the text when the cursor is moved out of the form.

Framework X allows the creation of frames inside, as well as loading frames into, database cells in forms view. Database cells may contain any type and number of frames including containers (outlines), spreadsheets, databases and multiple pictures. The frames are visible in db forms view. The field label cells at the top row (row 0) which are used to hold the fields names may not contain frames.

Framework X automatically size picture frames to the picture's size when pictures are loaded to the desktop.
Pictures are stretched and shrank when picture frames are resized. Pictures can be rotated, flipped and restored to their original scale from menu items located under the Graph main menu.

Framework X provides a new kind of "transparent" frame consisting of only a border which can be used to "clip" and save rectangle sections of other frames as pictures. Transparent frames can be dragged over other frames to capture a rectangular section of it as a picture, then dragged on top of another frame to supper imposed and combine the two into a new pictures. Horizontal and vertical stretching and shrinking is done by sizing picture frames. Rotations and flipping is manages by menu items located under the Graph menu.

Framework X operations on pictures, including rotations, flipping and restoration to the original scale which are available from menus are fully programmable using FRED. Scale and rotation information about pictures can be retrieved and set using the traditional @sense and @pk (@performkeys) as well as the newer @getmenu and @setmenu FRED functions.

Framework X menus can be used to save frames as pictures in a variety of formats (see items under the Disk menu). Clicking on icons on a frame bottom borders provide the abilities to cut the picture as a bitmap into the Windows's cutpaste buffer so it can be pasted into MS paint or other Windows programs as well as save it a JPG file in the document home directory while depositing the file path name in the cut and paste buffer so it can be used for example in an e-mail attachment or for loading to another program.

Hovering over icons instantly displays a detailed tips also describing equivalent menu keys which can be preformed as a macro and programmatically.

Clicking the right mouse button on selected text cuts the text into both Framework's and Windows' cutpaste buffers (similar to pressing Shift-F7) making the text available for pasting in Windows. A significant time and click saver when copying from Framework to Windows.

Timing-independent multiple mouse clicks are used to intelligently extend the selection in text replicating the Ctrl-navigation key combinations while in text.

Framework X mouse operations are equivalents of key-based operations.

Framework X provide menus for assigning programs and mouse tips to all the desktop areas and the frame border icons. The desktop areas were given familiar names such as panel1, panel2, ins, caps and num, the clock, libraries, etc. Menus dedicated to those areas allow the assignment of programs (macros and FRED programs which may call the Windows API) to the right and left mouse buttons with colored tips. The frame border icons were also given names and dedicated menus and are treated in the same manner.

Framework X adds to FRED hundreds of new key names which can be used as library macro names by entered when prompted by the Create Macro menu. They can be filtered by FRED and used programmatically like all normal FRED keys. The new names include the key combinations Alt-Ctrl-Key, Alt-Shift-Key, Ctrl-Shift-Key and Alt-Ctrl-Shift-Key for all keyboard keys including printables.

Framework X adds an important user interface verb functionality associated with the Shift-Return key press combination and given the FRED key name {Shift-Return}. Pressing Shift-Return execute the normal Return operations of closing and opening the selected frame but Shift-Return does not finishes pending Copy or Move commands which may have been started with F8 or F7. Shift-Return allow users to close and open containing frames in outlines and directories in cabinets while navigating after pressing F8 or F7 and continue the move and copy operations. While it was possible before to open containers without finishing commands by using the In key (F12 or the Gray Plus) which would open the container and navigate into it Shift-Return makes it possible to navigate back out, close the container, and resume the navigation is search of the final destination for the move or copy in progress.

Framework X users-editable keyboard table allow assignment of any keyboard key and key combination to any Framework key code for customization for country local keyboards and industrial control.

In Framework X, in addition to the Get File By Name menu item, the Disk menus also include an Opens File menu item which opens a standard Windows' "Open File" dialog box.

Framework X can open Windows dialog boxes and run Windows GUI programs and DLL's as well as access all Windows API functions. Framework X FRED can call, and send parameters to, Windows DLL's, and receive and display the DLL' return value just like built-in and user's FRED function. DLL's designed to act as a FRED functions can be created with any compiler capable of creating standard Windows DLL's. A number of FRED functions DLL's examples as well as an OWL compatible object oriented Windows compiler, FrameworkPascal, are provided with Framework X.

Framework X Optional @dbasefilter additional parameters provide indexless pre-loading of records into memory for the optional FRED processing done by 2nd parameter FRED expression. Parameters 10 and 11 are dedicated to a new instantaneous disk-based massive storage access. Parameter 12 provides a field-based search with basic boolean logic for extremely fast pre-loading of dBase file records containing specified text, for further processing by the 2nd parameter FRED expression which may allow them to appear in the database frame and become part if the of the working set or filter them out (keeping them out of the database frame and working set) after processing.
Framework X provide e-mail templates for direct mailmerge into e-mail which can be used to provide real time e-mail with databases containing millions of records.

Framework disk-based searches for text in specified files in selected directories run in a separate threads making it possible to continue to use Framework while the on-disk search is taking place. A preliminary search result report can be viewed while the search is in progress without stopping the search. There is no limit on the number of searches which may run at the same time. The most recent search report can be viewed by operating the menu -Locate / Hard Drive Search / Load Report (Ctrl-LHL). All reports are saved as files named with the text searched for, and the file extension rep.

Framework & The FRED Computer Language Main Page
Framework users:email us for the latest update information for Windows XP.

Framework VIII announced.     Framework VIII most recent additions, Jan 1, 2003 - Page bottom
(C) Copyright 1994 1995 1996 1997, 1998, 1999,2000, 2001, 2002, 2003Selections & Functions, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 

go to beginning of Framework VI (Six) 

go to beginning of Framework VII (Seven) 

Framework V (five) accumulated changes history. Most recent additions-page bottom. | Page top.

|1| Allow drag (F3) and size (F4) while in Framework V's menus to view obscured frames.

|2| @makedir, @between, @netcost, @picklist, @unlock, @recavail, @redundant, @unique added. F1 for Hyperhelp.

|3| Ctrl-F6 on selected text Double-underline and inverse screen attributes allow marking of Hyperhelp & and to emphasize text without printing. Ctrl-F6,  Available in Framework V, Framework VI and Runtime.

|4| Additional FAX and FAX Address Book options added (only under vomputrs without Windows).

|5| @inputpick added, loads database & picklist; see Hyperhelp.

|6| In cabinets Picklist now keep seeking files in open directories. See Ctrl-F3 in Hyperhelp.

|7| @isfileon: 2nd param to return location number; see Hyperhelp

|8| Framework V's menus & HyperHelp optimized for Runtime version 400.

|9| A Pentium-peripheral related HyperHelp (Esc) bug was fixed.

|10| Sub-menus subsequent re-selection is context based: accessing import-item causes subsequent selection of the corresponding export menu later.

|11| Framework V's menus & operations such as changing decimals in text calculations optimized for speed.

|12| FAX Address-Book-picklist and modems initialization strings added.

|13| Hyperhelp Applets (Hyperhelp program) now works in Runtime.

|14| DB Vertical lines, Ctrl-S V, is now recreated dynamically in dBase- linked-databases and new records; vertical lines can be duplicated by moving/copying field's headers; headers can be nameless.

|15| A sub-directory selection is now maintained after Framework V menus opened.

|16| Running-balance field-defining formula Checkbook-category database and time-billing Hyperhelp applet. Highlight the word Accounting or @row and press F1.

|17| CDROM drives, OS2 drives, Insignia MAC drives, Next OS drives and other external device and virtual file systems that occupied a DOS drive letter shows up as a cabinet in Framework V. Highlight "CDROM" and press F1 for HyperHelp's applet to display cabinets.

|18| Ctrl-DnArrow/UpArrow in cabinets jumps 3 files or directories skiping over open directories.

|19| Ctrl-F10 (QBS) on a database opens it; on a field name chooses opening | unique | redundant

|20| Abbreviations created by highlighting text and Alt-BackSpace reproduces fonts and styles.

|21| @chkstr encloses & balances quotes in strings

|22| Color menu in outline corrected to allow changing color of a subframe

|23| @between 4th & 5th parameters for indexed multiple occurrences (used in EDI mapping).

|24| Imp/Exp file discrepancy with MS Words fixed

|25| Cut and Paste with Windows via disk file added using Ctrl-F7

|26| WWW HTML Internet pages import & export added

|27| HTML Netscape Extensions imp/exp and .HTM file extension added.

|28| Tab error message in Justified text added.

|29| Ctrl-Q F to set or save paragraph & tables formatting in style sheets.

|30| HyperHelp full page options added (press F1 F1 I 37): states & area codes US/Canada

|31| @saytext for vocalizer (word, sentence, paragraph, page) added

|32| French version: Ctrl-F (Replaces Ctrl-B) fixed

|33| HyperHelp now emulates WWW HTML site full page when Frames/Label Roman Numerals is on (Ctrl-F L); links is in footnote allow absolute path, HTML local path, or relative to \HELP\MANUAL\. Highlight `WWW', and hit F1 for explanation of www site and tutorial design.

|34| @savemen, @savelocate save menu positions and locate search entries and states. @restmen, @restlocate restore them after programmatic use. @setlocate sets search area toggles.

|35| @dbnamer, reverses first and last name order in a database field.

|36| Spreadsheet Database / Alter / Change menu toggles (reverses) first & last name order in a database field.

|37| @bopinfo and @parinfo added to return paragraph info for use in HTML comments.

|38| @chrstyle assigns text style include double underline, inverse & combinations. Used in HTML.

|39|Fixed Hyperhelp links to @pk (was leaving {} in text) and calculated-Graph applet position on wide screen.

|40| @replace can be called with no 3rd parameter for removal of text (replacing with nothing).

|41| @writetextfile changes were documented in Hyperhelp (may write selected text to disk).

|42| WWW site building and HTML linking added in the menu item: Ctrl-V E A

|43| Allow drag (F3) and size (F4) while in HyperHelp with HTML and Manual documents.

|44| @between finds & searches quotes ("") and may return specified length - see Hyperhelp.

|45| @islbr identifies line breaks (as HTML BR), @fontname, @fontsize, @styleinfo added.

|46| @stylecode, @searchtext, for rule based insertion of user define codes into text.

|47| Directory tokens optimized for speed and code size.

|50| Depth of sub menus increased to six.

|51| F3 (drag) menus restores display area after submenu dragged at any order and depth.

|52| Submenu's new positions (F3) may be saved by responding to a prompt.

|53| Mirror & Syncronization for laptops added: flag, menu & default drive (Ctrl-B b m) saves to two drives. Highlight mirror - F1.

|54| @filedate third parameter allows synchronization of two files.

|55| @fileDTS now works on locked network files (which cannot be handled by @filedate.)

|56| Finishing extend select while in cursor pointing by typing a characters (as in FWIV) OK

|57| Appending records to a dBase (.DBF) file on disk from a database frame added (Ctrl-B E D C)

|58| @numth added. Returns a number as text with its proper suffix as in 1 to "1st", 2 to "2nd", etc.

|59| @date5 added. Converts a date value to text in European format: "30th August 1996"

|60| Import Export menus for MS WinWord added.

|61| Accounting applet in Hyperhelp: An additional accounting model-application that uses a category consolidating database rather than a consolidating spreadsheet was added. Type accounting, highlight it, and press F1.

|62| @numth and @date5 corrected to deal with 11, 12, 13.

|63| Multi-word text that was expanded by pressing Alt-BackSpace is highlighted as a block, however, when only a single word is expanded the cursor is advanced to the end of the word in anticipation of further typing.

|64| @button added. When typed in the beginning of a formula, the frame becomes an executable button. It will run when selected if the Return key is pressed. See @button in hyperhelp.

|65| Ctrl-DnArrow on database's or spreadsheet's last record adds a new record

|66| @makerec added to add records after current record in databases and spreadsheets

|67| @opendir added to open and select a directory.

|68| Quick-Access Token to a Directory optinized using @opendir.

|69| @firstnum returns first numeric part of a string regardless of how many numbers appears in it.

|70| Shift-F1 in FW5 menus displays the menu item information including its \MENU\APPS\file name, type (availability routine address), and its \MENUS\HELP\HELPMENU\help file.

|71| @lighttype starts extend select while typing. Text typed by a user after invoking @lighttype will be selected and act upon when the user press any function key (F1 - F10) or just selected if the user finish typing with Return, Left-Arrow or F6. For example, finishing with F5 will calculate the text while finishing with F1 will open its Hyperhelp link.

|72| Ctrl-F6 in text: In addition to inverse and double underline of screen text it now allows starting and remaining in "extend select" mode while typing (see the function described above). Text typed by a user after pressing Ctrl-F6 F6 will be selected and act upon when the user press any function key (F1 - F10), or just selected if the user finish typing with Return, Left-Arrow or F6. For example, finishing with F5 will calculate the text while finishing with F1 will open its Hyperhelp link.

|73| @buszero returns a number with leading zeros in business format (commas separates thousands).

|74| For Windows 95 printing, a toggle to turn Print / Allow Print Spooling to off when starting Framework V to allow printing under Windows 95 was added to the menu: Util / Load Start../ Win 95 Print.

|75| Framework V HP 200LX Internet version: F11 and F12 (Out and In) replaced with HP dedicated programs keys

|76| Framework V HP 200LX Internet version: Phone-book & ToDo called from HP dedicated MEMO key

|77| Framework V HP 200LX Internet version: @dialtone plays phone number via speaker for touchtone voice dialing

|78| @dialtone plays phone number via speaker for touchtone voice dialing

|79| Framework V HP 200LX Internet version: Touchtone dialing via speaker added to Phonebook and on a highlighted number anywhere with Alt-D

|80| Pop Up Calendar (Ctrl-F4) now provides a daily appointments list (Ctrl-Return on a date) which is saved in the personal directory under INFO.

|80.1| Pop Up Calendar (Ctrl-F4) is now linked to Hyperhelp by pressing F1 for related help.

|80.2| Pop Up Calendar (Ctrl-F4) added to Framework V HP 200LX.

|81| Pop Up Calendar (Ctrl-F4): F9 (zoom) on a day open its linked appointments/todo file (same as Ctrl-Return)

|82| Pop Up Calendar (Ctrl-F4): Daily entries can be cut and paste Shift-F7 / F8 between days)

|83| Pop Up Calendar (Ctrl-F4) The number of daily appointments shows next to the date in superscript screen font; Daily appointments frame shows up next to calendar as days are selected; Appointments entered by zooming (F9) on a date; the full range of Framework tools is available inside daily appointment frames including adding rows and columns and zoom. Daily linked files are named and saved under their date @integer(date) format (YYYYMMDD) making it easy to accessed them manually or from other applications.

|84| @copyfile copies the specified file by calling DOS' COPY (better late than never), returning a DOS result: A error number or the COPY text report.
|84.1| @text2hex converts a string to a series of ASCII hex values byte paragraphs followed by their corresponding 16 original characters in the format of the DOS debug D (dump) command. The returned string is rounded up (filled-up with spaces) to full paragraph (multiplier of 16 bytes). @text2hex was designed to help programmers to prepare patches to disk files where text may need to be replaced for translations, updating, etc.

|85| CDROM packaging of Framework V pre-configured with automatic installation.

|86| Screen drivers are installed from a Framework V menus.

|87|800 x 600 VESA Screen Drivers installed from a Framework V menus: Ctrl-U D S V A |-----100 Columns x 50 rows
|-----100 Columns x 42 rows
|-----100 Columns x 37 rows
|-----100 Columns x 31 rows

|88| Developer Toolkit documentations in Hypertext.

|89| CDROM packaging optionally include Framework V Developer's Toolkit documentations in Hypertext with automatic installation.

|90| HP LaserJet 4, LaserJet 5 and LaserJet 6 printer drivers and fonts added.

|91| HP LaserJet 4, LaserJet 5 and LaserJet 6 informations updated in FWSETUP.

|92| Spelling check is allowed in formulas and labels (for personal reasons).

|93| CDROM default setting for typical Win 95 machine: VESA 800x600, HP Laser/deskjet, Printing and multi-tasking under Win 95. SETUPFW is unnecessary for first time installation.

|94| Font PagePreview added for HP DeskJet Printers.

|95| Windows 95 icons for Framework V - automatically installed on single user and network installations.

|96| Shift-F9(append text to clipboard) now appends directory file pathnames when pressed on a file in a cabinet, allowing accumulation of files' pathnames in the clipboard.

|97| Foreign language dictionaries and thesaurus are automatically installed - no need for SETUPFW. Up to five languages available simultaneously. Available: Spanish, French, German, Dutch, Italian, Swedish, British.

|98|Hitting the bottom or top border in a HyperHelp's book full-screen page automatically jumps to the first or last link in the page which are usually (but not always) the previous and next pages in the book.

|99| @dbffield added. Allows changing a name or datatype of a database field in a dBase (.DBF) file, simplifying appending and copying data between dBase (.DBF) files when working with Framework V, dBase, Rapid File, FOX, SBT, or any other program that uses DBF databases. Numeric field can be changed between padded text representation of the number in decimal format and numeric value. Date fields can be changes between text representation of the date in dBase format (YYYYMMDD), similar to @integer(date) and date value.

|100| @dbfindex added. Creates a dBase (.DBF) index for Numeric, Date and text fields. The index allows the use of the keywords ORDER and START to determine the display order as well as the first record to seek in a Framework V dBase-linked frame. ORDER as well as START can be used on text, numeric and date fields for a virtually instant access to disk-based data records.

|101| @dbffield parameter added to allow for a Framework V's exclusive non-index-able mixed-case field name in dBase files.

|102| A menu that produces a report listing frames or a group of frames, their number of words, and characters (yes, someone is actually billing by characters) was added under Quill-Outline

|103| Quite a few Hyperhelp links added to complement dBase databases and indexing information. Some of the linked terms: Database, Index-item 10, dBase

|104| Since Shift-F9 on DOS files (appending path to clipboard) and Ctrl-F2 (cursor pointing from text) proved very helpful in creating Batch files, a few Hyperhelp links were added to complement other DOS' batch file programming information. Some of the Hyperhelp linked terms: DOS, Batch, Bat

|105| HyperHelp links added to clarify the use of dBase indexes with dates and numbers. Updating of indexes created with other programs.

|106| HyperHelp links added to clarify the use of ..\ (relative parent directory - all parents are relatives but this one changes with the default directory) with @pathexists and @fileload. Should be used in HTML links to provide Internet HTML server-ready path

|107| @runtime added (a simplified alternative to @version(3)). Returns #TRUE if in RunTime #FALSE if not. The current version number are: FW5 CDROM 500 and up. RunTime: 400 to 499.

|108| For more fluency where FRED is spoken (since FRED now runs in regular text) and for simplifying data input and verification (with new date indexing on dBase compatible disk-based databases and decision making database reporting and mail-merging, a few new functions added:

|109| @isdate simplifies date value verification

|110| @istime simplifies time value verification

|111| @inputdate receive date anywhere on screen, between earliest and latest

|112| @inputtime receive time anywhere on screen, between earliest and latest

|113| @weekday verifies that its parameter date is a week day, or, if not, converts it to a weekday, (Monday) after (the default), or before the weekend (Friday). Note: @weekday is modifiable for different weekend norms.

|114| @weekend verifies that its parameter date is a weekend date, or, if not, converts it to a weekend date (Saturday), after (the default), or before the weekend (Sunday). Note: @weekend is modifiable for different weekend norms.

|115| In addition to @date1, @date2, @date3 and @date4 a number of additional formats added:

|116| @date5 formats date as: 24th. July, 1997. Standard format in a number of countries. Old but should be mentioned here.

|117| @date6 formats date as: Thursday, July 24, 1997. Useful with database-based reports and document assembly, etc.

|118| @date7 formats date as: 7-24-97. Easier to remembered and referenced in Hyperhelp than @decimal.

|119| @date8 formats date as: 7/24/97. Easier to remembered and referenced in Hyperhelp than @scientific.

120|| @date9 formats date as: 199707024. ASCII sortable - dBase format, Easily remembered and referenced in Hyperhelp than @integer.

|121| @hypertag retrieves the specified tag from the specified frame. A tag is a comment in a frames formula in the following format: ;TagName. Useful for tagging with author name, modification history, group editing, etc.

|122| @hyperedit maintain editing in a single frame but ends when user moves out of the frame

|123| @hyperlink add links in HyperBook mode (similar to pressing L in HyperBook)

|124| HyperBook Loads a HyperBook document.

|125| @datevalue parses a text string in any date format including MM YYYY or Mon Jul 30 and returns it as a valid date, or a valid string-date in one of nine formats: (@date1 to @date9. The @date6 format, "Thursday, July 24, 1997", can be set to different languages in global settings. A year 2000 aware, before the year 2000 @datevalue will return 20## from a one or two-digit year smaller than 50. Two or one-digit year above 50 will return 19## (can be globally set for a different behavior). @datevalue allows as separators spaces, -, /, and tabs which separates columnar text as well as tables (databases and spreadsheets) copied to text. A mix of separators is allowed.

|126| @inputdate retain the suggested default entered, presenting it again after warning if the user enter unacceptable value or out of range date.

|127| @makeprog added. Converts a frame to a FRED program by converting its text to code and replacing specified text in it with specified expressions. @inputdate automates the convention of recorded macros with embedded text typed by the user (in menu items such as headers, footers, etc.) into programs that access the environment. For example: To print the number of database records (@panel2) in a report's footer, first record a Library macro which prints, while in the database entering some text in the footer. Than call @makeprog specifying the text entered and its replacement: @integer(@panel2).

|128| @makeprog's 1st parameter is automatically converted from names in the format "Alt-?" to "[{Alt-?}]".

|129| Text files can now be used and automatically linked directly in HyperBook - straight from the scanner - No conversion of any kind is necessary. Hyperbook provides hypertext, contents, and page-order automatic links in text files with no modifications to the files and no addition of embedded code. Optionally, linked files can be edited in HyperBook. Links are derived from the selected text, originating directory, context. Keeping files in text format minimizes space, communication time and preparations, eliminate need to convert to HTML or PDF. Automatic file compression is optional. Framework and FRED books will eventually be in HyperBook.

|130| Spelling check now works in a label's areas - single line as well as multi-line and zoomed. In single and multi-line line labels, spelling-check scrolls the text via the visible area. (For lawyers who write complaints in outlines' mullti-line labels, Especially O.)

|131| @beepp provides a replacement for @beep (generates tone from the computer speaker) where higher computer speed may render @beep mute. @beepp duration is fixed but the frequency can be varied.

|132| Ctrl-F5 clears formula errors on cells and frames when inside a formula.

|133| Spreadsheet to dBase linking added.

|134| @dbfload loads multiple dBase IV/III (.DBF) records into database or spreadsheet.

|135| @dbfAppend appends multiple lines from a database or a spreadsheet to a dBase IV/III (.DBF) disk based database.

|136| @dbfchange overwrites a specified dBase IV (.DBF) record with the currently selected spreadsheet or database line.

|137| @dbfdelete marks a specified record in a dBase IV/III file for deletion. The record is unchanged except for its delete field.

|138| @incsort increments a text string to the next string in ASCII sort order. Returns the immediate next word in a full sorted ASCII list. Is used to produce a search string that allows seeking to the next unique item when creating a unique list from a hashed index. Also useful when designing hash tables and symbols.

|139| EDI, Electronic Data Interchange toolkit was released. Includes bidirectional scanning of EDI data, numerical, date, time, evaluation, translation to SDF, dBase format, updating and error trapping.

|140| Multiple personal dictionaries can be picked from a menu.

|141| Personal dictionaries are automatically backed-up when chosen from the menu, allowing regression to previous versions from menu in case wrong words added.

|142|<14| Automatic spell check of typed words can be toggled on and off from the main spelling menu under Ctrl-Q.

|143| Automatic spell check of typed words can be toggled between suggesting corrections or automatically replacing misspelled words with the first spell checker suggestion.

|144| @incsort additional paramter to either return the next hash symbols or the next imidiate ASCII sorted increments a text string to the next string in ASCII sorted string.

|145| @DBFUnique uses dBase MDX index file with simple STR tag (no UNIQUE expression) to load one record for each entry in the specified field, creating a unique list for the field. @DBFUnique is different from @uniqedbf (The (old) FRED Dictionary, 1988) in that it is not evaluating every disk-based record so the number of disk accesses is the same as the number of the actual unique records. For example, @DBFUnique on a the State field from 35000 record customer file will is done at the time that it takes to load 60 records (with Canada and the US territories). Since it requires only a simple (non UNIQUE) index. @DBFUnique solves the problems of reviewers where a system is busy or its limited size does not allow UNIQUE indexing.

|146| F4 (size width) on a database field or a spreadsheet cell now allows typing of the new width number and finishing with Return.

|147| @sizewidth sizes the width of a columns, frame, or cabinet or return its current width. Preserves selection

|148| @sizeheight sizes the height of a frame or cabinet, or returns its current height. Preserves selection.

|149| F4 twice in a database adjusts all the database's columns to the largest field's content, in order to prevent truncating when exporting to Framework's .DBF disk-based database (dBase file). Should be used before appending to, or creating a DBF file.

|150|When cursor pointing into a database the DB-PickList column search is automatically turned on. Typed text is accumulated and searched for in the column, and the cursor is positioned on it. While in cursor pointing the Database PickList state, displayed at the screen's top-right corner, which can be toggled on and off with Ctrl-F3 is ignored.

|151| Ctrl-Return inside a cabinet now sets the cabinet drive, as well as the selected directory, as current. Previously, setting the drive as default required the selection of the drive border. This may help to save a number of keystrokes where multiple cabinets are present, before accessing DOS in order to execute a command in the selected drive and directory.

|152| @beepp was permanently remuved from FRED in FW6 sinse @beep can be used on fast computers.

|153| Versions 5xx and 4xx (Developer's Toolkit) tested under Pentium II/III

|154| Automatic addition of function's kits. Groups of functions can be added to Framework V by executing a file in the \FW5 directory. This is how the long number's math engine is distributed.

|155| Mathematics engine for long numbers is available. Calculates large numbers (to thousands of digits) with no rounding. Framework V, as other business programs rounds numeric values to 15 digits satisfying business and most practical needs but falls short on math explorations and demonstrations, likely in educational usage. The long numbers math engine handles numbers with unlimited number of digits under the Framework V limits of text handling. Very large numbers (above 50,000 digits) can be handled as text files.
The additional large number's functions include addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, sum of digits with cross and indexed sum, digit-sum-based divisibility, boolean comparison, square, cube and nth root, and more.
The new math functions may be used in databases' defining formulas as well as in spreadshhets to create sets, etc. Very long sets can be created and indexed in disk-based dBase DBF database files.
As all FRED functions the long number's math functions can be calculated by typing and highlighting them in regular text and the result will be typed in the text.

|156| Local variables works in text in multi-lines expressions allowing calculations of variables in math expressions in regular text.

|157| Base 64 number system added to math engine with conversion between Base 10 and base 64. Note that in practicality it is a one way sytem, from small base to large base and not the reverse, since numeric values produced from strings that are more then a few characters long are meanningless on a PC. Note that in practicality it is only usfull when coverting from small base to large base and not the reverse. Numeric values produced from strings that are more then a few characters long are meaningless on a PC. (Hashed storage is available through the FRED @array functions).

|158| Base 100 number system with 100 unique digits added to the math engine. Allows compact storage and faster calculations of large numbers with full accuracy. The math engine provides transparent conversions between base 10 and base 100 as well as direct operations on base 100. Large numbers stored in base 100 required about 50% less digits than in base 10, speeding up calculations and searches as well as indexing and handling of values stored in databases. Direct operations include boolean comparisons, addition, subtractions, divisions, multiplications and other functions. Note that in practicality it is only usfull when coverting from small base to large base and not the reverse. Numeric values produced from strings that are more then a few characters long are meaningless on a PC. (Hashed storage is available through the FRED @array functions).

-------Base 100------------Base 10-----
-------10 = 100^1 = ----------------100
------100 = 100^2 = -------------10 000
----1,000 = 100^3 = ----------1 000 000
---10,000 = 100^4 = --------100 000 000
--100,000 = 100^5 = -----10 000 000 000
1,000,000 = 100^6 = --1 000 000 000 000

|159| @GCDfrac returns either the GCD, Greatest Common Denominator, or, if its 3rd parameter is #FALSE, the reduced fraction expression of the first two parameters as a string. @GCDfrac(102,30) returns 6, @GCDfrac(102,30,#FALSE) returns "17/5", @GCDfrac(30,102,#FALSE) returns "5/17".

|160| @GCDfrac forth parameter added to return the continued fraction as a string: @GCDfrac(221,41,#FALSE,#FALSE) returns "[5,2,1,1,3,2]".

|161| @col2num converts an alphabetic column name to a number. If a cell's address (such as AZ3) is sent, the coordinate address of the cell is returned - the column number and the row number operated by a coma. @col2num allows @reset to point to specific spreadsheet cells. Also relates to @nextcell.
@col2num("A1") returns "1,1"
@col2num("AB12") returns "28,12"
@col2num("ZZZ") returns "18278"
@col2num("AAAA") returns "18279"
@col2num("AAAA2") returns "18279,2"

|162| @num2col converts a number to a column name. As if we don't have enough numerical systems in Framework V, here's one more. This peculiar one, a zero-less, base-26, is actually used on a daily basis by more people, you may assume.
@num2col(1) returns "A"
@num2col(18278) returns "ZZZ"
@num2col(18279) returns "AAAA"

|163| @nextcell remotely sets or advances the current spreadsheet cell in any direction, and in any increment. @nextcell can move the current cell diagonally (in any direction - useful in matrix operations), up, down, left, right, one cell at a time, or jump a number of cells in a Chess-Horse patterns. After @nextcell is called the current cell value may be retrieved or set with @get(spreadsheet) and @put(spreadsheet)without referencing the cell by name. @nextcell return #TRUE if the current cell was in the specified rectangular region, and was attained. #FALSE if the intended cell was found to be out of the specified region.

|164| @fillval fills values, dates, days of week, months, or any value that can be returned by an expression, into a spreadsheet region, or a database field.

|165| @dayname returns a day of the week name from its parameter, a number. Used in @nextcell. Can be duplicated and "loaded" with other names or values. The parameter "rolls" through the 7 days of the week so a larger value returns a corresponding month, starting the count again at one.

|166| @monthname returns a month name from its parameter, a number. Rolls through the 12 month so a larger value returns a corresponding month, starting the count again at one.

|167| @rollnum rolls through a series of numbers, from one to its second parameter, returning the number in the series location corresponding to its first parameter, restarting at one if it's larger than the series.
@rollnum(index number, series largest number)
Example: @rollnum(1,7) returns 1
Example: @rollnum(7,7) returns 7
Example: @rollnum(8,7) returns 1
Example: @rollnum(15,7) returns 1

|168| @incsort now have an optional 4th parameter number specifying the maximum width of the returned value (the next ASCII-sorted string), making it possible to limit its width to a database field width. @DBFunique does that automatically but this allows this tool to be used to produce unique queries for other-than-dBase databases.

|169| {Char} in @pk should be used to enter label editing, menu editing, and cell editing, replacing a label, or text in a menu edit line or cell content.
{Char} will have no effect inside @pk in other situations.
In the following example {032} represents a space (which will not stand out in your browser). Beside shortening the code, using {Char} instead of a space allows the safe removal of all white spaces (\w) in formulas.
can be replaced with
Using @pk("{Char}") on a frame border to start label editing, or on a cell, always clears the label, as well as any text in the cell.

|170| @DBFUnique third parameter (the unique value length) allows unique filtering of a dBase file for the first part (prefix) of a field. PARTNAME, a 100 characters-wide field, can be filtered for all the unique first-ten-characters prefix, producing entries that differs only in their first 10 characters.

|171| Framework V HP 200LX prints proportional fonts on HP LaserJet, Deskjets and Postscript printers.

|172| Framework V HP 200LX proportional fonts printing Page Preview provided.

|173| Framework V HP 200LX Page Preview for Deskjet printers added.

|174| @fillval HyperHelp examples added: filling incremental dates, month, days as well as incremental formula, into spreadsheets and databases.

|175| @region returns a string reference to the first or last region element, the number of elements, reference to an indexed element, the number of columns or rows in a two- or three-dimensional region.

|176| @colnum returns the column number in a 2D matrix.

|177| @rownum returns the row number in a 2D matrix.

|178| @region provide new capabilities complementing @choose.
@region("SALES.B1:F5",15) returns "SALES.F3" (the 15th cell string reference)
@choose(15,SALES.B1:F5) returns the value in the 15th cell (cell F3).
@region can be used to retrieve an element's (cell) formula:
will return the formula in F3.
will set the formula of the region's 15th element (F3).
Note that @choose can be used to retrieve an element's value from a mixed series of spreadsheet regions, database regions (fields), outline frame regions, and references as in:
@choose will count the elements, find the indexed one, and return its value. @region on the other hand parses its parameter - the region reference string, and calculates the columns and rows offset to construct a string reference; it does not access the region. Note also that @lchild(@region... will return only the cell reference, making it easier to address the same element number in multiple spreadsheets, while storing multiple string-region-references in local variables allow the addressing of the same element in multiple regions in the same spreadsheet. Both methods are useful in matrix operations.

|179| FRED book is now part of the Hypertext system. When accessed pages are zoomed. Each page contain links to the next and previous pages, table of content, and index. Page numbers in Table Of Contents are links to the corresponding pages. The book is based on Framework IV FRED Manual with new reference and programming additions.

|180| Free movement is possible between the full screen Hypertext book format and the Hyperhelp format in which keys-help is always on.

|181| Dragging and sizing of full-screen book pages in Hyperhelp pages added.

|182| The Cut-Paste to and from Windows file name was changed to WINCUT.TMP. It is created automatically in \FW5 when using Ctrl-F7 in text.

|183| PostScript Printer Driver is now the default printer number 5 instead of a plotter driver.

|184| Windows 95B (OEM version 32 Bit file system). Directory names in Hypertext books changed since 32 bit file system which does not support files or directories named "1".

|185| Frame mirroring (triggered by Ctrl-Return) copies the entire file path, to either another drive, or to a directory specified in mirror information in frame. Highlight the word mirror anywhere in Framework and press F1 to see a hypertext detailed explanation.

|186| VESA screen driver supports ATI Mach PCI graphic cards which fails with standard VGA screen driver.

|187| Windows 95B (OEM version 32 Bit file system). Directory or file names in linked frames or database consisting of "1" result in appropriate message. 32 bit file system does not support files or directories named "1".

|188| Windows 95B (OEM version 32 Bit file system). @pathexists returns #TRUE for path that include the name "1", same as with ".." and "." even that the path exists internally in Windows but not available to applications. Such paths may exists and be used in 16 bit file systems.

|189| Copying of drive cabinets using F8 now allows the positioning of multiple cabinets of the same, or different drives, side by side, making it easy to compare, copy, move, and otherwise manage files, especially between directories on the same drive. The added drive cabinets which can be opened, closed, and set as a default directory for any directory in the drive are grouped separately to the left of the native cabinets and can be reached by pressing Home and then UpArrow from a frame border.

|190| Version 510 allowing multiple languages in a single product was realesed to beta testing.

|191| The menu item Disk / DOS Access was changed to Disk / Access DOS and Windows to help prevent accidental selection of the menu instead of quitting Framework V and in the interest of providing more informative description. The FRED menu name {MENU#DD} was not changed so both, Ctrl-D A and MENU#DD works under @pk.

|192| European translations for the multi-lingual version were released to beta testing.

|193| The Create menu name Empty / Word Frame is now Empty / Word Frame / Directory for more complete reflection of its functionality.

|194| Speed adjustments made for fast 200 meg-and-up computers for, among other things, the sign-on screen and the /T command line option which skips it. Sign-on displays the user name and customer number which are encrypted into each FW.EXE.

|195| HTML Frames can be created from an outline.

|196| F3 (drag) and F4 (size) automatically switch labels-view outline to frames-view saving keystrokes when creating HTML frames structures.

Framework VI (Six) released on May 5 1998. Most recent additions - page bottom. | Page top.

|197| New 256 color graphic engine in Framework VI allow instant switching between multiple resolutions, up to 1280 x 1024, in full screen graphic mode and the Windows screen allowing copying between Framework and Windows.

|198| Multiple resolutions allow switching desktop size while Framework VI is running.
Typical resolutions available on new hardware: 640x480 80 cols, 800x600 100 cols, 1024x768 128 cols, 1280x1024 160 cols.

|199| New internal real-time clock allow running with no speed limit (Pentium II/III/Celeron/K6/X 400/450/500 megahertz tested)

|200| New LLI graphics routines added to Framework VI.

|201| New FRED graphic functions added to Framework VI.

|202| Optimization of memory system improves speed and available memory (about 10% over FW5).

|203| Framework VI version number returned by @version is 600+

|204| Framework VI screen device number returned by @screeninfo(7) is 65+.

|205| Framework VI automaticaly installed in a new \FW6 directory allowing coexistence with older Framework versions.

|206| Framework VI height of desktop frame tray increased to 20 for larger number of rows on hi-resolution screens.

|207| Framework VI number of new desktop frames to stack before wrapping increased from 5 to 10 for larger number of rows on hi-resolution screens.

|208| Framework VI Danish spell checker added to multi-lingual versions.

|209| Framework VI the spell checker now marks corrections with temporary highlighting of the replaced word first character for re-view. The marking disappears as soon as the page is moved.

|210| Framework VI default beep user-warning sound was shortened.

|211| Framework VI @nextkey now works correctly under Pentium II computers at any speed.

|212| A dot (".") at the beginning of a text file does not forces automatic import. Solves the ten years old A-T Framework Developer's Toolkit make files (desktop) problem - can now be opened in Framework.

|213| Updated LLI documentation for Framework VI Developer's Toolkit and RunTime.

|214| Shift-F2 edit CutPaste buffer now allowed inside cabinets for viewing and editing a file path after cutting with Shift-F7

|215| The display of desktop outline frames is now consistent and independent of available memory. Frame positioned "outside" the screen visible area are not displayed unless they are selected. If a frame's Allow Free Dragging (desktop publishing mode) is on, all overlapping sub frame positioned in the visible area will be displayed before the current frame appears. If Allow Free Dragging is off the visible area is refreshed only once.

|216| Shift-F10 in Framework VI on the desktop level opens the screen resolutions / desktop size menu. Changing resolution determines the number of columns and rows on the desktop.

|217| @vesamode changes the screen resolution to its parameter, a VESA mode number, or, with no parameters, presents the user with a screen-bottom menu of available resolutions. Typical resolutions available on new hardware: 640x480 80 cols, 800x600 100 cols, 1024x768 128 cols, 1280x1024 160 cols.

|218| @entrytype returns the data entry type of a frame or cell.

|219| Pressing Return inside an outline in label editing with the menu Frames / Multi-line Labels toggle on produces a carriage return and a new line rather than finalizing the label.
A message tells about the use of Out (F11) to finish the label. If the cursor is on the first line's last character, Return does finishes the label.

|210| Spelling check works in multi-line lables.

|211| @menusense, @menusense(,1) can be used to identify current spelling check sub menus allowing FRED operation inside spelling check.

|212| Finishing a label: Framework now warns when Esc is pressed that changes will be lost, allowing confirmation or F11 to preserve changes.

|213| Tab inside a multi line label now inserts a text tab, unless on first line's first or last character where it will finish the label and jump to the next one.

|214| @page selects the next page break in the current word frame and returns its page number.

|215| @page parameter allows selection text down to the next page break

|216| @page parameters added to optionally copy the odd and even pages to separate frames in two separate containers allowing two side printing on sheet feed printers.

|217| @paranum numbers the paragraphs in a word frame.

|218| @frac2dec converts a string representing a fraction (such as 5 1/8) consisting of an integer, a space and a fraction, into a decimal number or a string representing it. @frac2dec("12 1/8",3) returns 12.125.

|218.1| @dec2frac the reverse of @frac2dec. Converts a decimal number into a string representing a fraction, consisting of an integer, a space and a fraction.
@dec2frac(12.125) returns "12 1/8"
@dec2frac(12.245) returns "12 49/2400"
@dec2frac(1.5) returns "1 1/2"
Like all other FRED functions both @frac2dec and @dec2frac can be executed in text anywhere in Framework by highlighting it and pressing F5.
@dec2frac uses internaly the function @gcdfrac

|219| E-Mail merge - mailmerge to Internet E-Mail can be performed from Framework databases, dBase, FOX, Clipper, (.DBF). E-Mail Merge allows intelligent customizing of the merged document per data and flag fields and calculations such as automatic e-mail billing etc.
The function above, @dec2frac, was added to allow customizing of a merged document according to numeric fields in the database.

|220| Low Level Interface provides screen pixel drawing in VESA 256 colors.

|221| Hand held Psion computers (ARM chip, EPOC OS) can run Framework using DOS emulator. The Psion screen is back-lighted. Function keys appears on the touch screen including F11 and F12.

|222| HTML Tables are created automatically from Framework's spreadsheets and databases. HTML cells are aligned and spanned according to the cells in Framework.

|223| Checking mailmerge documents for valid database field names. A program was added to Framework Hypertext applets. Highlighting Mailmerge and pressing F1 provides an option to load the program to the desktop.

|224| Framework VI version. 1.1 tested on Win 95, Win 98, Win NT. Ver 1.1 allows switching Framework between running in a window or full screen, with the ability to choose between multiple resolutions. Copying between Framework and Windows programs is available while in a window.
In full screen mode, switching between resolutions changes the number of columns and rows on the desktop, from 80x40 (640x480) up to 160x85 (1280x1024). In a window Framework provides a selection of desktop sizes while Windows determines the resolution and provides a selection of fonts from a menu.

|225| Pressing Shift-F10 twice switches between Windows text mode where copying between Framework and Windows is available to full screen graphic mode. The first Shift-F10 open a the Display Menu allowing selection of the display mode, resolution and desktop size. The second Shift-F10 switches the display from full screen to the last selected Windows or from Windows to the last selected full screen.

|226| Framework VI translation databases containing the text for menus and messages are available to users of the international / European versions. The databases contain columns for the English and Foreign text and can be used to modify or create new translations of Framework VI.

|227| Command line option determines which graphic or text display mode Framework VI starts in. While Framework VI runs those modes can be switched from a menu. The nine display modes available are:
Framework VI Display Mode Menu
Display type  Graphic VESA mode screen width pixels Desktop size
Command line optional switch for starting display Change while running w/ Shift-F10 menu Display screen under Windows screen width pixels screen height pixels Characters columns Characters rows
FW.EXE /9 Yes Full screen 1280 1024 160 85
FW.EXE /8 Yes Full screen 1024 768 128 64
FW.EXE /7 Yes Full screen 800 600 100 50
FW.EXE /6 Yes Full screen 640 480 80 40
FW.EXE /5 Yes Full screen 640 400 80 33
FW.EXE /4 Yes Shared Window w/copy variable Windows font variable Windows font 80 50
FW.EXE /3 Yes Shared Window w/copy variable Windows font variable Windows font 80 43
FW.EXE /2 Yes Shared Window w/copy variable Windows font variable Windows font 80 28
FW.EXE /1 Yes Shared Window w/copy variable Windows font variable Windows font 80 25

|228| When saving text files to disk Framework VI no more append an extra EOF (end of file) character at the end. This extraneous character used to be visible in HTML (as a box at the end of the document) and interfered with editing of configuration files on non DOS servers.

|229| F5 in text will automatically select the mathematical or FRED expression to the left of the cursor and calculates it. If the expression does not contain spaces there is no more a need to first select it with F6 (extend select) or Ctrl-LeftArrow.
An expression must start with a space or be highlighted before F5 is pressed. Multi lines that are part of the expression may be separated with empty lines (multiple carriage returns) and will still be automaticaly selected. Lines above the current lines, that are calculated, stay highlighted until the next action in the frame, to indicate that they were evaluated. This allows calculator-like typing, finishing every line with an operator (+, -, *, /, ^) and a Return, and calculating the entire multiple line list at the end of the last line by pressing F5.

|230| E-Mail Merging now works from Mailmerge directly into Mozila standard E-Mail directory. Any Internet Electronic Mail Program that uses the Netscape Mozila standard can send messages generated by Framework mail merge.

|231| FWSETUP size was reduced by eliminating the screen drivers code. Framework VI 1.1 screen display code provides both VESA high resolution 256 colors graphics and text mode display (allowing a TSR vocalizers for visually impaired users) is now resides in FW.EXE. The two SETUPFW slots, 5 and 6, previously used for text and graphic drivers now available as a RAM storage space for alternative font sets.

|232| A FRED font editing tool is now available to users who are interested in drawing special screen fonts. The font is rendered in a frame with characters delineating pixels. A FRED program is used to convert each horizontal line in the frame to bytes, then display the corresponding pixels on the screen in graphic mode.

|233| @htmltabl was added providing HTML table generation from Framework's spreadsheets and databases. The follwing HTML table of the Framework VI display modes was produce from a Framework spreadsheet by @htmltabl
Framework VI Display Mode Menu
Display type  Graphic VESA mode screen width pixels Desktop size
Command line optional switch for starting display Change while running w/ Shift-F10 menu Display screen under Windows screen width pixels screen height pixels Characters columns Characters rows
FW.EXE /9 Yes Full screen 1280 1024 160 85
FW.EXE /8 Yes Full screen 1024 768 128 64
FW.EXE /7 Yes Full screen 800 600 100 50
FW.EXE /6 Yes Full screen 640 480 80 40
FW.EXE /5 Yes Full screen 640 400 80 33
FW.EXE /4 Yes Shared Window w/copy variable Windows font variable Windows font 80 50
FW.EXE /3 Yes Shared Window w/copy variable Windows font variable Windows font 80 43
FW.EXE /2 Yes Shared Window w/copy variable Windows font variable Windows font 80 28
FW.EXE /1 Yes Shared Window w/copy variable Windows font variable Windows font 80 25

|234| Framework VI tested on Pentium 3, K6, Celeron.

|235| December 1999. Framework VI updated for loading dBase dbf files produced after Jan 1, 2000. Those files can not be opened on older versions of Framework

|236| Additional tests on current version of Framework VI after January 1, 2000. No problem encountered. Framework VI can be updated via the Internet email.

|237| Text reading from files added to FRED for Internet email, HTML and database processing as well as EDI. The new functions retrieve a particular occurrence of a section of text defined either by location or by a beginning string, an end string, and the number of its occurrence (1st occurrence, 2nd occurrence, 3rd occurrence, etc) in the file.

||March 10, 2000. Framework VI (Six) Ver 1.11, released, adding Y2K update for loading DBF files created on or after January 2000, European translations now provide the correct country format for date, time and decimal number display, compatibility with AGP Graphic hardware and Pentium III and Athalon 1000 meghertz speed. Provisions to run under NT in Windows and graphic mode. Exchanging informations with Windows (including NT) in full screen.

|238| Update for Windows 2000. Additional copy and cut-paste tools for Windows 2000.

|239| A FRED function parse and write data files (EDI, delimited databases) to disk based indexed database (dBase DBF) using meta search characters to define fields improving size and speed handling of EDI and text processing

|240| A FRED function to manage Internet Email in disk based indexed database (dBase DBF) added allowing management of large number of email in indexed databases in relations to large databases (dBase files) in Framework

Framework VII (Seven) released on Nov 25, 2000. Most recent additions - page bottom. | Page top.

Framework VII ver 1.00 (@version 700) was released adding pictures display and saving in frames. Allowing toggling between multiple screen font sets and sizes for editing and viewing of multiple languages and adjusting screen font size in graphic mode. Improving memory handling and compatibility with all versions of windows and more.

|250| Screen Font Editor allows combining multiple font sets for multiple languages. Allows resizing, editing, customizing and adding of fonts.

|251| Selecting a screen font or screen resolution automatically adjusts the number of desktop columns and rows to the font height and width for new screen resolution (any font size up to 16x16 pixels)

|252| Additional copy and cut-paste tools to Windows for Windows 2000, ME,and NT

|253| New RES files and date time format updated for European versions

|254| Updates can now be sent via the Internet contact us by email

|255| @screeninfo, additional parameter (11) added to return screen font width in pixels

|256| @frametype, returns type for image frames

|257| Multiple Proportional font in database with automatic multiples view settings added Font assignment to selected text in database cells automatically used in DB form view with out overwriting the border font assigned which is valid to rest of cells and entire cells in table view.

|258| Export Framework desktop screen shots to a PCX by pressing Ctrl-F1 allowing editing and printing of Framework VII graphs and drawings using paint programs. Additional graphic FRED functions allowing saving and loading image files.

|259| Cabinets now shows exact file size instead of rounding to the next 1000 bytes. Allowing editors and programmers to view changes in file size in cabinets.

|260| Cabinets now shows the actual size of files larger than 64 Megabytes instead of displaying it as 0 bytes. Gigabyte file size are displayed.

|561| Additional date function @date6 to @date9, @dayname and @monthname are now language aware returning month and day names in the current language just like the original @date1 and @date4

|562| Language Translation kit including a font editor is automated and is now available to users and distributors.

|564| Shift-F5 on outline border goes to specified line number in a text outline for code files editing (.ASM, .C, etc.)

|565| Search for text on disk (Ctrl-K L) updated. With current typical processor speed it's now searches in sub directories by default

|566| Framework VII internal clock redirected from hardware to provide millisecond support and unified operation under DOS and all versions of Windows.

|567| @text2dec added. Converts a string to a series of ASCII values in byte paragraphs format. together with @text2hex (described above) help programmers to prepare patches to disk files and code.

|568| Shift-F2 - editing of the cut & paste buffer is now available while on labels in outline view.

|569| Shift-F2 - editing of the cut & paste buffer is now available in cabinet on files and directories to allow viewing and editing of pathnames after cutting (Shift-F7) or appending (Shift-F9) them to the buffer.

|570| Writing desktop area to image files deafault to .BMP files (Windows BitMap) to acomodate Winodws remuval of support for PCX image file format editing in Paint.

|571| F3 (drag) allows positioning pictures, drawings, graphs and other frames on top of each other to combine images into a single image file.

|572| Pressing Ctrl-F1 on a frame writes its screen area as a Windows Bitmap image file (.BMP) allowing combining pictures originated by loading multiple image files (PCX, BMP, GIF), graphs, drawings, and text into a single picture file. Graphs and drawings created in Framework can be edited in any paint program and reloaded into framework as image files.

|573| @writepicturefile saves a screen area as a graphic file in the specified format making it possible to programmatically combining pictures originated by loading multiple image files (PCX, BMP, GIF), graphs, drawings, and text into a single picture file.

|574| Long file names for Windows and DOS added internally starting with @rename allowing renaming of file names and path names.

|575| @euro added for Euro currency format.

|576| @dec2oct and @oct2dec added for octal number conversion.

|577| Octal number conversion added as a menu for conversion of highlighted numbers.

|578| Long file names are used cabinets for files and directories. Frame names written in full as file name. See FW7 long file names. Full compatibility with FW4 FW3 and FW2 files is preserved

|579| Long file names are fully accepted and returned in all FRED functions. @setdirectory, @fileexists, @sethome, etc.

|580| Long file names are automatically used in hypertext links in Framework

|581| Long file names are automatically used in directory tokens to jump into directories from anywhere in Framework by typing a short directory token.

|582| Cabinet filters are now case sensitive.

|583| @longnameavail added allowing Framework VII and Runtime programs to check for long file name availability in case a limited version of DOS or DOS compatible operating system or an external storage device file system is not supporting long file name. Long file names are available on all versions of Windows and current DOS compatible platforms.

|584| Frame labels lower and upper case characters are written as long file names when frames are saved for clarity compatibility with Internet websites.

|585| Lower and upper case characters are available in directory and file name editing for clarity compatibility with Internet websites.

|586| Spell checking is now available when editing files and directories names in cabinets making it possible to verify spelling in long file names with both personal and language dictionaries.

|587| Frame labels lower and upper case characters are written as long file names when frames are saved for clarity and easy reading as well as compatibility with Internet servers and websites.

|588| Framework VII desktop tray width increased for better readability of long frame names with long file names in cabinets which could be up to 255 character long. FW7 long file names and wide tray.

|589| @traywidth added. @traywidth returns the tray current width and sets a new width.

|590| The Euro currency symbol which was added to currency formatting is now available in graph's text, FRED drawings, as well as DPF dynamically loaded variable size screen fonts.
FW7 long file names and wide tray.

|591| The desktop frame tray width can now be adjusted from a disk based menu: Ctrl-U D T(Utils / Drivers Setup Desktop / Tray) to determine the number of frame label characters visible in the frame tray.
FW7 long file names and wide tray.

|592| Cabinet filters now can be as long as the maximum long file name length allowed by the operating system, 255 characters in Windows, possibly more on other file systems.
FW7 long file names and wide tray.

|592.1| Cabinet filters upper and lower case characters match both case characters in file names and extensions.

|592.2| Cabinet filters can be set and retrieved with @setformula([C:],File.ext) and getformula([C:]) as well as execute with @execute([C:],File.ext). The cabinet valid FRED reference is the cabinet name as shown on the cabinet border: [C:] for a close cabinet, [C:\] for a cabinet open on the root directory, etc.

|592.3| FRED allow referencing long file names in open directories inside cabinets using the following syntax: for "C:\\www\WS_FTP.LOG" use @panel1("C:\") replacing '"\"' with dots '"."' (exept for the root '"\"'). This capabilities are helpful in batch backup and version and project management programming when cabinet filter results need to be verified and used programmatically.

|592.4| Panctuations, spaces, multiple dots and quotes are used in long file names.

|592.5| Cabinet filters editing provide full text capabilities, from abbreviations, via spelling check and calculations of text, dates and time stamps, zoom, calander access and cursor pointing to files and frames (which may come handy when entering 100 plus characters into a filter.

|593| @trayheight added. @trayheight returns the tray current stack height and sets a new height.

|594| The desktop frame tray stack height can now be adjusted from a menu: Ctrl-U D T(Utils / Drivers Setup Desktop / Height of tray) to determine the number of frame stacked in a tray column before a new column is added.

|595| @run allows long file names in DOS command line under Windows.

|596| All file related FRED functions such as @fileDTS (file date, time, size) accept long file names as parameters.
FW7 long file names and wide tray.

|597| @filesize returns either a file size or the total size of a group of files specified using wild cards. @filesize("C:\Winodws\*.*") return the total size of all the files in the Windows directory. Use long file names.

|598| @picklistcab allow activations of the cabinet piclist after the cursor is programticaly placed inside a cabinert. The cabinet picklist is on by default.

|599| Piclist in cabinet which seek to file names correspond to characters typed in cabinet was updated to receive and find names with embedded spaces which are allowed in long file names. A space can still be used to start editing of file directory names when pressed before the picklist search or after a find.

|600| 8 bit per pixel (256 colors) and 16 bit per pixel (64,000 colors) Graphs can now be printed with no limit on size regardless of the maximum size that can be displayed on the screen.

|601| Fonts and text formating allowed in spell checker editing.

|602| @setmode set and return the current display mode at 16 and 15 bit per pixel (64,000 colors)

|603| @filedate return, set, and compare disk file dates, using long file names.

|604| @mkdir create disk directories - similar to @makedir but is internal and takes long file names

|605| @rmdir remove disk directories using long file names

|606| @touch set a new date or time to a group of files specified using a wild card expression. use long file names. Can take the date from a date/time parameter or a specified file.

|607| @filecount return the number of files specified in a wild card expression, uses long file names.

|821| Framework update for Winodws XP / Windows 2000 / Winodws NT long file names is shipped.

|822| Framework VII Version 750 uses long file names on Windows XP /2000/NT/98/95 is shipped.

|823| Picture and graphs printing in free floating frames on Laser Printers (HP PCL5/6 and compatibles).

|823| Printing under Windows XP to Laser Printers (HP PCL5/6 and compatibles) added.

||Jan 1, 2003. Framework VIII (8) Ver 1.0, unlimited memory protected mode released, adding the Framework memory server integrating Windows memory objects as frames.

Picture: FW7 long file names and wide tray.

Last updated Jan 1, 2003


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