Framework VII HyperHelp.
(c) Copyright 1996, Selections & Functions, Inc. All rights reserved.
HyperHelp Electronic Documentation
HyperHelp links words in any Framework text to disk-based frames. The Framework and FRED manuals,
Framework VII on line help, and any HyperHelp frames automatically created by you, available in any
Framework VII Hypertext concept is different from Internet Hypertext in which links are attached to
a specific occurrence of a word in a specific page. In Framework VII, once a HyperHelp link to a
word was automatically added, it is available immediately in any document you load or any text
you typed, whether a Bible chapter, homework typed by a student, a letter or a database
containing a list of names or topics. It is also always available in spreadsheet cells, on DOS
file names while using Framework file management system and inside FRED programs' code just as
all FRED functions references. Since HyperHelp linked files are created automatically, and
HyperHelp text can be pasted into documents Framework VII HyperHelp doubled as an text-based
associative recall system as well as a text-data recording and retrieval tool.
HyperHelp provides instant access to the Framework VII manuals, Keys'-functionality dedicated help
screens, menus items help screens, FRED special symbols and functions, as well as help for DOS
and Netware. For example: highlighting a function name and pressing F1 displays the function's
help frame which includes programming examples and allows pasting it to the document or program
you are in.
To explore HyperHelp in Framework VII press F1 twice and follow the prompts. HyperHelp usage is
explained next.
HyperHelp Generator: Framework VII automatically creates an HyperText disk-based frames linked to a
word in Framework VII's text. Selecting a word and pressing F1 displays its disk-based-linked
HyperHelp frame. If none exists one will be created and you will be asked to edit it.
Note that unlike Hypertext in other software products such as Internet WWW HTML browsers
HyperHelp links are not attached to a specific location of a particular text on a page but rather
to the occurrence of a particular text anywhere in Framework VII. This includes text freshly typed
as well as text in a new document opened or imported into Framework VII. There is no hidden code or
marks behind a HyperHelp link, instead the HyperHelp program "reads" the text of the screen and
searches for a corresponding link according to preset rules.
How to mark HyperHelp link? Framework VII allows on-screen special text marking which are not
standard attributes and are not printed. Highlighted text can be permanently marked with inverted
color or double underline by using the Ctrl-F6 keystroke. One way this feature may be used is to
double underline words that have a corresponding HyperHelp link and to keep track of links which
already visited by inverting the linked text. This crates a reminder similar to Netscape's color
changing. Note that the marking are assigned manually and may be saved with the frame. Again,
marking are never printed as the Word/Attributes style. You may also find double underlining and
inversion of text useful for emphasizing and calling attention to text when exchanging Framework
V Electronic Mail, participating in group editing over networks, or just for reminding a topic in
a document without printing it. Another topic which is related to group-editing and text-marking
is hidden text.
Electronic Manuals Zoom mode: In zoom mode which is a special HyperHelp mode in which Framework VII
manual's pages are displayed in full screen, links are stored behind super-scripted terms or a
page number. Navigation with PgUp, PgDn, and the arrow keys up and down in the page is allowed.
Pressing ΔΩ on a supper scripted link takes you directly to the page. You can add your own
manuals and documents to the Framework VII's electronic manuals system.
Framework VII HyperHelp system determine the mode a frame is displayed when the frame file is
loaded. If the frame's label scecond or third character is an underscore `_' as is the case with
the Framework VII and the FRED manual the frame is zoomed and the links assumed to be hard-coded in
it. Another way to mark a frame as zoomed Hyperhelp frame is to turn the menu Frame/Label Roman
Numerals to on while selecting the frame border (the frame label itself may be hidden). All other
frames will be displayed in Normal Hyperhelp mode.
Following is A detailed description of HyperHelp usage.
F1 while in regular help puts you in HyperHelp (F1 twice in Framework). The first screen
summarizes Framework's keyboard. A detailed screen for each key can be reviewed by pressing that
All text in Framework is linked to HyperHelp. Highlight a word anywhere (using Ctrl-Arrow or
with F6) and press F1 to see a related help frame. If no HyperHelp frame for the highlighted word
exists a new one will be created. Try it: highlight @prompt or Graph and press F1 to see their
linked frames.
HyperHelp frames may run programs (Applets), calculate graphs, run a short demonstration or
give the user the option to start a tutorial or demo.
i in HyperHelp shows the HyperHelp Index.
@(or pressing F1 while on @ in text) opens FRED's function reference.
c cuts the current help screen into the cut-paste buffer allowing pasting it later into frames
using Shift-F8. You can cut more than one HyperHelp screen: Each time you press c on a Hyperhelp
frame its text is appended to the cut-paste buffer. Back in Framework paste it by pressing F8
twice (or Shift-F8). FRED functions' programming examples can be pasted directly into your
b and f: HyperHelp remembers the sequence of the screens you review, allowing you to move
Backward and Forward by pressing b and f.
Boldface terms followed by raised (superscript) numbers are linked to their topic frames. You
can go to these topics by entering the number (at the top of the screen). You can go back to the
previous frame with b (back) and forward again with f. Visible text can be cut by pressing c
(Cut) for pasting later in a frame or formula.
The HyperHelp system includes sub-directories. For example: to see help about the DOS command
FORMAT highlight the words DOS\FORMAT and press F1. You can create your own sub-directories under
the directory \MENUS\HELP in Framework system directory or under \INFO\USERHELP\ and fill them
with help frames on various topics.
Your own HyperHelp screens will be created automatically when you select a word with no
matching HyperHelp frame and press F1. The word and the current frame's home-pathname are written
into it; the cursor is positioned inside it and the frame can be edited using Framework's menus
such as Words, Spelling Check, and Thesaurus as well as cutting and pasting. Finishing with the
Out key (F11 or -) adds the frame to HyperHelp. You can recall the new HyperHelp frame immedi-
ately by highlighting the word, now attached to it, and pressing F1.
From now on, anywhere in Framework VII, selecting the word and pressing F1 will displays the new
HyperHelp frame.
The text in the HyperHelp frame can be cut by pressing c and pasted in Framework. Information
about customers, item, ideas etc., can be retrieved, reviewed and pasted anywhere in Framework
without moving the cursor.
Personal & shared HyperHelp - where is it stored?
New HyperHelp frames are saved in the \INFO\USERHELP\ sub-directory under the Framework system
directory or, if on a network, in the user's personal directory. Framework first searches for a
HyperHelp frame in the Help directories under \MENUS\HELP. If no matching frame is found it
searches the \INFO\USERHELP in the user personal directory. If no matching user-created frame is
found there and you are on a network an additional search is conducted in the INFO\SHARHELP in
the system Framework directory where the network administrator may have prepared shared HyperHelp
To re-edit help frames find them in the FW4\INFO\USERHELP\ sub-directory under the Framework
system directory. Toggle the cabinet view with F10 to show date and resort the files so that the
new help frames are at the top. Load them to the desktop, edit, and save them. After saving them
change their file name extension from .FW4 to .15 by pressing the spacebar on the file name.
Automatic creation of users' sub-directories under \USERHELP
Your own HyperHelp sub-directories inside \INFO\USERHELP will be created when you precede your
selection with a name separated with a back slash. Selecting LEGAL\Corporate and F1 will
automatically create a directory named LEGAL inside INFO\USERHELP, saving the new HyperHelp frame
Corporate into it; directories' names are limited to 8+.+3 characters; the frame name you select
can be longer, but only the first eight are used. From now on, to see the Corporate frame select
LEGAL\Corporate and press F1; Selecting only Corporate will still create the HyperHelp frame in
USERHELP. This makes it possible to have duplicate HyperHelp frames' names in different
categories and quickens access to them when editing and organizing them directly on the